Monday, November 8, 2010


I remember when I was only twelve and I wanted to go to Africa. After a while the feeling towards the African nation became stronger and stronger. When I was about sixteen I realized that my dream of going there was not going to be possible. Even though I started watching all the movies about Africa. The stories and struggles of the continent and the passion and love of their culture caught my heart deeply. I gave up soon and knew that it was going to be impossible to be there someday. I felt that it was such a long way to get there, but at the same time I felt the people in my heart. They were so close that I could almost felt them and see their dark and deep dark eyes.
Now the next part of the story is the part of Jesus. As he found me and rescued me from my poor decisions, he also gave a new opportunity to make my dreams come true. Now you all now about the trip, and you also know who bless I am for my Lord grace has turning my life upside down. He can make your dreams come true, He can save you and give you a new life just like He did for me.
Kenya... Oh Kenya if I could only put the story in words. As soon as I stepped out of the plain I felt in home. I was struggling with so many things, the problems of my life and search of my own personality, the homesickness and the school projects, and however I was feeling in the right place more than ever. In Kenya God broke my heart. He humble me in ways that are not enough to write down. It was painful and unpleasant. The thoughts and desires of my heart where grubbed by Him and destroyed. After two days of spiritual warfare and prayer the battle for me was over, and once again Jesus was the winner. My heart was changed and a new heart has been place in me. No more lies, I won't pretend anymore been someone that I am not. I must say that God places angels in your life during all the process and without them it is hard to see a light at the end of the path. Rebe Brandt was that angel in my life. She stood with me during all the process and even when I was not completely honest to her she forgave me. Through her Jesus was more real to me. His love through her for me, the kids and all the team is delightful.
In Kenya He made me new. In Kenya my heart was transform. In Kenya God has a plan.
Finally I want to ask for some prayer request, because some of you have been asking for it.

1. For school now that the end of the semester is coming.

2. For Issac one of the Fikisha kids that is in hospital with thypod(

3. For a new organization in Kenya. During my time there we did some contacts to start a organization taking kids out of the streets and supporting them with their studies. So far we have found 8 kids that we already have contact with. We have found a couple soccer balls and old uniforms enough to start. The kids didn't know each other, but now that they are starting to train together they do. They are excited about this. My friends there will be following the kids and mentoring them. Kebera is the second largest slum in Kenya and I'm sure God have something special for them through sports. I'll give you more details later. Please pray for me, for the right decisions and people that will join to these as part of the program.

4. For BWABALL Costa Rica, San Antonio and Nicaragua. That God keeps blessing what they are doing. We also need laptop's for some of the kids that we are sponsoring in Nicaragua, so If you have extra please let me know. This is something that I'm doing for my own. I talked to my dad Josue Garcia (Regional Director for Central America) and Jaime Johnson (Executive Director BWABALL) about it, and they agreed. Please the kids from Nicaragua are in College just like me and it is so hard to be in school without a computer, not that it can't be achieve without it, but it will be so much easier for them. I will provide you pictures of them and sent you a letter of appreciation. I will take the computers myself on December 20th to the offices in San Jose Costa Rica to be deliver the month after to Nicaragua.

5. Last one is for financial support, I do really need it right now as I hit the last $100 of my account and there are a few expenses that I need to cover. Maybe when I come back home I can pay you back by doing some work in your house or something you need. Please let me know and I'll give you the details for the deposits (note the plural on this word, it is call faith hahahaha)

Thank you you all for your support, and for taking the time to read the blog.

I love you

David "Macho" Garcia

Concordia University Irvine

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back in Cairo

We are half way on this trip, the feelings of missing friends, family and home are becoming stronger as we move on to the Mid-Terms week. What a blessing is to have you all reading my updates and always writing to give me strength and encouragement.
Israel was incredible and unforgettable, there were so many places to go and explore. I was a little bit disappointed though, because I was expecting to see Israel as a small old fashioned city with donkeys and camels. Well, surprise! There was no donkeys nor camels. The cars where driving all around the city, moving from Jaffa Gate to the Golden Gate, going in and out as fast as they can. The "Via Dolorosa " was now filled of buildings, small shops selling "belly dance" outfits, a bunch of little bracelets and holly water. The whole thing threw me off and distracted me from the main purpose of the visit of the place were Jesus carried the cross. I tried to focused, but it was hard.
At the end of the day I was exhausted and disappointed. My mind started reviewing my day and the picture on my mind reproduced what Israel could it be two thousand years ago. I tried to see Jesus walking and doing miracles. I couldn't get ride of the idea of seeing all this people selling stuff and fighting for religion. Some of them crying and lifting prayers to an empty tomb. I was judging them with anger and hatred. I realized later that I was one of them, pointing with my finger, fighting for which was the true religion. I was one more focusing my eyes on the exterior and not in the heart.
What a blessing He has giving me. I saw the same things He saw and now I feel the same love for this people. So no disappointment at all and happy about my stayed in there. Jesus is the same everywhere we go so feel bless and don't faint in your faith, STRENGTH AND HONOR fellows.

Finally, many of you have been asking me for prayer requests. I haven't ask for anything the last months but today my only two petitions are this. Please pray for safety as we move from Middle East to Africa and the second one for some financial support. God is faithful and I know He knows my needs before I even talk.

I love you all and I hope everything is fine back home.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Short Side Story

I met John in Costa Rica five years ago. We walked around San Jose downtown and his kindness and love caught my heart. The way he was with his kids and the look of his eyes when I was talking to him struck my heart. My broken English was making the conversation more difficult, but He never stopped listening. He kept asking for my goals and dreams, I'll tried to reply the questions over and over, sometimes with the right words and sometimes explaining the word I was trying to say. It took us twice the time of a single conversation. He always listened.
Always a teacher and encourager, he spoke about my studies and quoted a few authors to support what he was trying to say. I felt the gaze of his eyes digging deeper into my heart. “What do you want to be?” “What do you think about studying in the U.S.?” he said And here is where the story began.
Everything started in my new home in California. After living for twenty one years in Costa Rica I moved in to John's house with the other Norton's family members to finish my studies in the United States. The Norton's family decided to pay for my studies and let me live with them during that time. As the months passed by they became my family and so I did. John became my friend and pastor, his soft words and wisdom pushed my life to a whole new level. I wanted to be like him, I wanted to follow his steps and motions. We started reading books together, cleaning the garage, bike riding and playing soccer. A bond grew but a change in our story turned our lives upside down. Never again would we be the same after our Around The World Semester, our journey within the journey.
This new adventure begins in Orange County when two professors from Concordia decided to take twenty five students in a semester abroad, around the world. With a PHD on Shakespeare, his love for literature can make students love poetry, novels, textbooks and history books. During the last month and three weeks I have been following closely the steps of professor Norton, his motions and his words have an inspiring secret that goes beyond understanding.
As a professor his example of daily life reflects what he say's in class. He is a lamp that guides me through the secrets of life and literature. If there is a moment I can bring back from this trip to fully show his passion for literature it was when in one of our World Religions class, he was faced by twenty three students discouraged by the lecture of the Qur'an. He stopped the class and brought out a profound teaching about loving people by understanding their beliefs and forcing ourselves to find the meaning of a book that had brought millions of people to believe in Islam as the only true religion. Just as this passion for literature is one of his gifts, humility is also one of the characteristics of John Norton.
In the present, as I travel the world with John, it has amazed me the humility and simplicity of his actions, which by the way makes traveling fascinating. In one of our stops in Jordan while all our group was waiting for the ferry that was going to takes us from Egypt to Jordan, John started talking to some of the locals about the Arabic language. “He is my language professor. How come he is asking to a random man about the right way to say and write the numbers?” I thought. I realized later that he was a student too just like the twenty five students on the trip. He knows that he does not know all. He asks his students for information and allows them to teach about what they know. The humility of his heart and his desire for knowledge has become a virus that goes through my bloodstream and invades my soul. It has been turning my trip into a unique lifetime experience.
During my trip around the world with my school I have learned how to see my professor as more than only a statue holding a book, like I used to do in High School. In one of our World Literature discussions about “Snow,” the book written by Orhan Pamuk, we were commenting about the cliche’s of the Islam culture according to our American perspective when the comment was made, “It is different when you put someone's face in the story, someone like our new Middle Eastern friends” John said. Once again he was right. I replaced my professor's face and he became my friend, my travel buddy and my mentor. A whole new level of teaching and learning had begun since that day.
I was never ready for this adventure, my heart was afraid of failing. As a kid I gave up my dreams of traveling, but “God first”as we say in Costa Rica, John gave me the opportunity to believe in myself, to trust and face all my fears. It all started on August 16th when I was packing and getting ready for this trip when John came to my room and asked me if I had enough space to fit some of his stuff. “ I do,” I said. Even though I did not have any. My response was a result of his influence in my life already.
Finally how do you describe the scenery around you? How to capture the essence of the moment? In a public blog John writes about his experience on his way to Israel “My eyes just filled with tears as our bus made the last turn, revealing the most amazing canyon I have ever seen. Surrounded by Father's power and beauty, in a strange land of unknown tongues,where the Lord met with our forefathers in the faith” The journey continues as we move to our next destination. No matter were we will be in the next months, the words of love, kindness, wisdom, encouragement and knowledge will travel with us, in John until the the end of our lives.

Islamic Community in the Mosques

The mosques are beautiful structures made by the Muslims to go and pray together. Istanbul is one of the most important places to go to find the most beautiful mosques in the world. During my visit to this city, I saw many of these buildings raised up high above the town.
There is something very special about worshiping in a mosque. Many times, it seems hard for nonbelievers of Islam to understand the culture and to fully live the spiritual and practical life of this special culture. As a Christian, it was very difficult for me to understand what was happening during a prayer service at the mosque. The call of prayer was something that looked and sounded very silly to me, but it was because my lack of knowledge and interest. During my time in Istanbul, I had three experiences that completely changed the way I was looking at the community and worship at the mosques in Islamic countries.
The first of the experiences started when me and my group went to visit The Kocatepe Mosque. During our visit we met Ismail Cosar the head Iman of the mosque. After he showed us the main chamber of the mosque he opened a time for questions and that is where the story starts. He started answering everybody's questions with patience and love, his eyes where filled with excitement and passion. Cosar wasn't only answering questions, he was showing us the way he was living and sharing his love and kindness to us. Not satisfied with that, he even took a few of our group members to the top of a minaret. The group came back from this short adventure in the minaret and Cosar overwhelmed by his passion and love for us started hugging us and holding our hands. Not soon after that he started crying and couldn't stop saying “I love this group, I love all of you.”
The second experience started when after a long night in Istanbul our group decided to go and observe the five am prayer service at the Blue Mosque. After my experience in Kocatepe, I visited a few other mosques but without any particular experience. “This new adventure to the Blue Mosque is my chance to get a good paper” I thought. So finally at five in the morning as we walked around the city, the call to prayer sounded in every single corner of the city. We hurried and walked into the Blue Mosque. Nothing amazing happened, my friend Ben and I prayed in a special area for visitors where there is a fence that divided the main chamber.
We prayed and we left, but as we walked out to where all our friends were waiting, one man in a white robe took my hand and hugged me. He asked, “Do you want to pray with me? Do you love Allah?” “I love Allah.” I responded. He put his arms around my shoulders and started walking me back to the mosque. This time he took me to a separate room that had about fifty fountains. He showed me how to washed my hands, arms, feet and face. He grabbed my hand again more intimately and dragged me closer to him and asked me if I still wanted to pray, “Yes, I do,” I said. His face was filled with joy and excitement. He stopped, looked at me and said, “I love Allah and I love you.” We hurried inside the mosque through the wooden door where the women prayed, through the visitors fence, and finally to the front row where all the men were lined up and ready to pray. At this point I forgot about my paper and started experiencing the community and the hospitality of the Muslim men around me. We prayed, and as soon as we finish praying all together, he took me outside and thanked me for praying with him. I asked him what his name was, “Hashir,” he replied. By this time, my feelings of what I thought of the Islamic culture, their community, and relationships had completely changed. There was still one more mosque to visit.
My third visit was to a mosque located in a small town in the middle of Istanbul. I was walking around with some of my friends when the call to prayer was made for all the Muslims. My friends and I started looking for a place to go and and pray but also to participate in one of the services. We turned a corner and found a small mosque that was on the second floor of one of the buildings. Just as always, we took our shoes off and walked in to the mosque. The experience in this particular mosque was very different than the ones before. There was only about ten people there praying. After the service we stood there exploring when all of a sudden the Iman came to us and asked what was the purpose of our visit. We told him that we were students and that we were studying the Qur'an. With a big smile he told us to wait for a few minutes. A few minutes later The Iman came back with one of the guys that was praying during the service and he introduced himself, “My name is Surish,” he said.
Surish told us that the Iman wanted to know if we had questions about the Qur'an, and we did have questions so the conversation started with a prayer from the Qur'an. Both men where kind and patient to us. I was surprised by their desire to explain to us and make us understand the words from The Qur'an and their own experiences. Surish took us to his jacket store and offered us some apple tea, just like back at home when people from church invited you for lunch or a coffee.
The community between believers and non-believers in the mosques goes beyond five prayers per day. The mosques were created with the purpose of having a place to get together and worship and pray to God, and that is exactly what they do. The experiences I had were natural and unintentional,but these men gave me the chance to experience their religion further than that. They did not know that they showed me the reality of the community inside the mosques. The mosques create opportunities for new and old followers to establish a relationship to prayer and worshiping, and this is exactly what they do. If you go during prayer time in the mornings you will find a very few believers praying, they line up very close from each other and in that way the enjoy the time of prayer.
The most important of the prayer times is at noon, when I went to that service there was about two hundred Muslims lining up praying and worshiping as the woman in the back of the building take care of the kids and also pray to Allah. When I asked Hashir how was his experience as a Muslim he smile at me and said, “I love Allah, I love talking to Allah. I am a happy man.” I saw the peace in his eyes and the smile on his face really back up what he was saying.
The mosques are vital in Islam culture, for people like me the mosques were only beautiful buildings with paintings and lights. There is something profound about the community in the mosques and what happens there while they are praying and worshiping. These beautiful places inspire union and devotion. It is so much easier to understand when you live it, when you walk in, when you talk to someone and put a face on the story. Inside the mosques are secrets that haven't been revealed to us, and in them the believers find rest and comfort raising their voices to Allah, and pouring their hearts to the Most Merciful.

On my way to Turkey

Que bueno cuando hay algo que escribir, cuando las palabras solo salen del corazon y cuando lo unico que queda en la mente es un rayo de luz de lo ultimo que pensaste. Recuerdo poco la ultima vez que escribi en esta manera, aveces lo que pasa es que las personas han dado tanto el corazon que la verdad te encuentras en un mar de dudas.
No quiero ir al espacio si ni siquiera se como caminar en la tierra. Hoy abro mi corazon para escribir cosas nuevas, para atreverme a sonar y a levantar mis pensamientos al aire y dejar que el viento los lleve en la direccion que quiera. He viajado por dos paises y lo mejor que e visto es que el amor de Dios no cambia. Mi vida y todo lo que se, no pueden cambiar nada. Todo lo que se es nada en comparacion con la gradeza de lo que me rodea, definitivamente nunca voy a poder llegar a alcanar todas las cosas que quiero porque no voy a tener el tiempo suficiente para hacerlo. Ahora bien con todo esto no puedo ni siquiera imaginar el tamano de la grandeza de Dios y de como su amor y su gracia me rescato de un mundo de obscuridad al que estaba designado a llevar.

Hay cosas que jamas voy a llegar a comprender y por mas sentido que les busque nunca voy a poder enternder la razon de todas ellas. Se que que quiza no tenga ni la mitad de lo que se necesita para ser lo que quiero llegar a ser. Pero se que Dios tiene un plan y aunque aveces este caminando sin sentido se que hay alguien esperando por mi en algun lugar listo para darme la direccion que necesito. Asi que ahorita no me preocupo por una direccion ni si quiera me interesa a donde voy porque lo que quiero es seguir el camino que tu has marcado para mi. Eres un Dios grande tan lleno de sorpresas y bondades. Si fuera al lugar mas largo de la tierra jamas podria esconderme de ti y si aun dentro de la tierra subiera en una nave y tratara de ir a lo mas lejos del universo ahi estaria corriendo mas cerca de ti, porque cuando voy sin un a direccion tu me abres un camino y cuando no estoy en control de las situaciones tu me tomas de la mano y me das direccioin. Dios eres lo mejor que me ha pasasddo y aveces me cuesta abrir mi corazon para abrir mi boca y decirte lo que pienso y siento por eso te escribo esta carta que sale de mi corazon. Toma todo lo que hay en ella que te honra y hace sentir orgulloso de mi, mira a Jesus en mi corazon el cual me hace tu hijo y me da la razon de vivir y me muestra cosas que nunca antes habia visto.

Hay personas que cambian tu vida y te dan una direccion diferente, hay personas que sin necesidad de decir una palabra te abren el corazon a un millon de ilusiones y bendiciones que quiza habias dejado en el pasado, por miedo a revivirlaso por solo el deseo de olvidarlas. La verdad yo quisiera olvidar muchas cosas que pasaron, pero no puedo el pasado es parte de mi futuro y ahora tengo que recojer todo lo que he sembrado. Dios ten misericordia de mi porque en mi adolecencia muchas veces sembre mal y aun ahora de adulto mis fallas son montones. No puedo seguir sin ti no puedo seguir si no me perdonas, no puedo levantarme si no me tomas. Eres todo lo que necesito para alcanzar mi meta; y mi meta eres tu. Asi que ayudame a no desviarme de tu camino,de tu amor, de tu proposito. Si alguien viene a mi vida por un lado que sea por tu proposito y que mi corazon siempre este enfocado a ti y para ti. No dejes que lo que sea lindo y atractivo para mi me haga alejar todo lo que estuyo de ti. Yo solo soy un cuerpo con un monton de cosas adentro que ni siquiera son mias. Todo me lo has dado y todo me lo has prestado Jesus. No se que es lo que va pasar mas adelante pero se que tu no me vas a abandonar y que pase lo que pase me das a dar lo mejor. Gracias gracias Dios por todo esto y y no deberia estar confundido si no confiado en ti y en el poder de tu amor.

Se que ella en algun lugar del mundo sea aqui ahora o meses depues de hoy o quiza anos estara esperando por mi pero sera la persona adecuada no importa lo que pase ni lo que digan ni lo que no digan, tu la has escojido para mi y para mi no hay nada mas hermoso y beello que poder escuchar tu voz y confiar en lo que tu haras.
Gracias, gracias, gracias, gracias, gracias, por amarme tanto Jesus y por morir en la cruz por mi. Se que no lo merezco ni nunca lo merecere porque tu me amaste primero y nunca me has abandonado. Hoy te escribo esta carta en Vladimir Rusia solo para decirte que tu eres lo mejor que me ha pasado y que aunque viaje por diez paises lejos de casa con las mejores personas y las mejores experiencias nada se compara a lo que tu significas para mi. Dios te amo con todo mi corazon mi alma y cuerpo. No hay nadie mas grande que tu, y mi corazon te pertenece a ti y lo que te pido es que lo compartas con la persona que tu quieras y te sientas a gusto porque esa sera la persona que y voy a amar por el resto de mi vida y a honrar y a respetar y a seguir y a acuidar y a ensenar. Tu me has dado algo que nadie mas me ha dado en una forma muy especial. Tu amor que sobrepasa todo entendimiento me ha rescato dela obscuridad y me ha dado una vida nueva eso es todo lo que importa lo demas es solo parte del cuento pero la verdadera historia y acto es el de aquel quien dio a su hijo unico para marcar mi vida y limpiarme de todo pecado, Ese eres tu y no quiero camiar lejos de ti. Te amo.

Vladimir, Russia 2010.
5: 10 pm
ATW Trip Concordia University Irvine

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Macho en Argentina y Rusia

Ahora si viene uno en espanol.

La aventura alrededor del mundo ha sido demasiado buena. Ha estado llena de sorpresas lindas. Argentina fue un super exito y la oportunidad que tuvimos ahi de trabajr en los precarios fue una experiencia demasiado linda. El nombre del lugar se llamaba “Ciudad Escondida.” Los ninos ahi fueron demasiado especiales, tuvimos tutorias para ellos pero tambien futbol jajajajajajajajaja. Fue una experiencia linda el poder ver como atravez del deporte Dios nos abre las puertas para mostrar su amor. Fue una experiencia interesante ver a los ninos como nos veian jugar. Creo que algunos creyeron que eramos profesionales o algo asi jajajajajajajaj. Pero lo mas lindo de todo fue la confianza que eloos nos dieron y de como abrieron laspuertas de su barrio y de su deporte preferido para compartir con nosotros de lo mas lindo. Dios es fiel en todo lado y para mi el poder abrazar a estos ninos y decirles que ellos son importantes y que no importa lo que pase mientras ellos mantengan la mirada en Jesus no hay manera de tener un mal final.
Ademas de todos estos trabajos que estuvimos haciendo ahi tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir con mis cmpaneros de clase. Hemos tenido unos devocionales buenisimos y tambien unas salidillas bien buenas en la ciudad de Buenos Aires en busca de aventuras y Shows de Tango. Fuimos al Rio Tigre en la ciudad y tomamos un bote que nos llevaba atravez de la ciudad. Ademas fuimos a La Torre de Agua y escuchamos la historia de la familia Peron y de como este edificio habia sido importante en la historia de Argentina.

Ahora ya Argentina paso y estamos en Russia. Que experiencia Dios me esta dando de poder abrir mis ojos y ver que el mundo no esta compuesto de un idioma una religion o un pais. En cada pais Dios esta trabajando y el os ama por igual. Aqui apenas llevamos como una semana y lo que esta pasando es demasiado bueno. Estamos quedandonos con una iglesia que tiene un programa de recuperacion de adiccion de drogas. Estamos viviendo con los muchacho y compartiendo con ellos todo el dia. Compartimos el bano el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena. Apesar de que el idioma es compliado yo se que noo importa lo que este en el medio de nosotros Dios los hace sentir nuestro amor e interes por ellos.

Hoy estuvimos en un hugar de hurfanos, harvesting patotoes (recojiendo la siembra de papas) y despues de esto tuvimos una buena mejenga con los ninos de ahi. El futbol es un idioma universal y es buenisimo compartir con la gente de otros paises y reir y vacilar con ellos. Hoy tuvimos nuestro devovional de equipo y los muchachos del centro de recuperacion se nos unieron. Que experiencia mas linda poder escuchar adoracion a Dios en dos idiomas diferentes al mismo tiempo. Dios es el mismo no importa donde estemos. Despues de ese devocional que se extendio por mas de 2 horas, ahora tengo que leer y aprenderme unas cosas para mis clases a las 9am, y aqui son las 12: 38 am casi la una de la manana.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hope in Argentina. Macho' s Update

Last day in Argentina! It has been an amazing experience. Since the first day we got here God is been all around. The classes are tough I must say, but there are not impossible. The fisrt days I was so scared because the material of the classes were so confusing, long and so much reading. But all the guys from the team helped me with the reading and writing. How awesome is to have a small family out of your home. Some people says that home is just a place to go, and that having someone to love is family. For me my home is heaven, and my family is all the people God has been placing in my way to home.
I had the chance to help Erik, one of the guy's from the team that is suffering by a kidney stone. I went with him to the hospital and translate for him and the doctors. I have never love Spanish so much, not only for the fact that I'm going to great a good great on my language class, but because through that I been able to help my classmates and the team in our journey through Argentina.

Last night we had such an amazing worship time with the team, I played recorder! Oh I can not explain the feeling of God's prescence in the room.

Today was our last day of class, and also our last day working with the kids from “Ciudad Oculta” one of the most dangerous slums in Argentina. The kids enjoyed the 3 hours pick up game, and after that we talked for a long time. One of the kids told me “Hey Profe sigue jugando futbol en America y no te olvides mi. It is so hard to think that tomorrow I'll be flying to New York and leaving those kids in Argentina. Therefore I know that God is taking care of them, and there is nothing I can do to help them to get out of there but giving them hope. Hope is something amazing,

I love Hope . Everyday it is a reminder of how amazing God's mind is. I want to be in the place where Hope is. Hope, Hope, Hope is more than a word, it is a expression of love and kindness. I wish you can see Hope just as I do.
I miss my friends form SCC, you guys are so important to me. I pray for you constantly. I'll be back soon to have more silly games.
Mom and Dad I miss you too and my brothers too. I'll be there soon too.
Please be praying for Erik, he needs to go back home for 2 weeks to take care of his kidney stone. We are going to miss him. John, Erica and the kids are doing great. The kids love John and see him as an example and good friend. Follow us on facebook.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hello friends I'm in Guatemala Right now, and our team just got back fron San Pedro La Laguna which is located at the North side of the Lago Atitlan. The team was really excited about the chance to be there because a few weeks ago the trip was almost cancelled, and we felt that God was pushing us to go and help our brothers and sisters at the lake. During our only two days at the lake we brought supplies, games for the kids, and also help to one of the church members to clean his house filled with mud and junk from one of the land slides (the land slide that affect most of the people was around 200 yards wide and like 2 miles long). After we finished the cleaning, we worked that night with the youth group, about 55 kids came to the service. Aaron my oldest brother is here with me working in missions and he shared his testimony with the kids, it was so powerful and real that after the service and the games the kids kept asking more and more details about his story. That night was amazing and fun.

The next day we were responsibles for the Sunday School, the team did a great job with the games and the story. After that we started the VBS with the games and the craft, about 120 kids came to church to play and hear about Jesus. What a blessing that was that the kids were in so much need of love and attention, but also they started understanding that God is full of joy and love, and that he is ready to play and laugh with them. There are a few pictures on my Facebook profile if you want to see it.

Finally we are back in the city................

Deuteronomy 15: 10-11

10 Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. 11 There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How He does that?

Hey fellows, here it is as I promised. Hope you can enjoy it.

I remember when I was about 12 years old and I found my expired passport in one of my dad's suitcases. I remember taking it and looking at the picture and the only two stamps in it, one from Guatemala and one from
Costa Rica. I had no idea of what traveling was, but I figured out that every stamp was a country visited for me. Right away I felt inside me that someday my passport would be fill with stamps. Today 10 years later God have decided that is the right time for me to fill my passport with stamps. I said God because for all the past years He has been leading me through different places, and introducing me with people that are changing my life. How He does that? How He changes your life? How He takes control of everything? Why? When?. Those are questions that I 'm not able to answer yet. Living in his purpose and fallowing the voice of the Holy Spirit are the keys that are been helping me to get here. I understand that He has already plan everything for me, like this trip.
The next 4 months I'll be traveling abroad with 25 students from my new school Concordia University Irvine (Go Eagles).
Argentina, Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, India, Indonesia and China are the 10 countries that we are going to visit. I will be enrolled as a full-time student, and receiving 15 credits for my semester abroad. The dates of the trip are August 16th- Dece
mber 17th, 2010. For about 18 weeks (124 days), we will be taking part in many service projects such as teaching English in China, volunteering for an Indian orphanage, serving in the slums of Kenya and Biblical and historical research projects in Israel, Jordan, Kenya and Turkey. How He does it? You ask Him. This is a wonderful time in my life when God is taking care of everything, I need a lot financial support but I'm not worry about it because he opened this door for me so I'm relying in Him. Therefore, I have to do my part, and that is why I'm working during this summer, because I know that He is working on my while I'm working for Him. That's why I'm here, remember?

There is a picture of the team, please be praying for us, and if you want to be part of this, and want to support me in some way, please just contact me.

With much Love.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Information about Guatemala

"The picture on the left, is from the same trip 2 years ago"
As you guys know, in the past week, residents of Guatemala have had to cope with volcanic eruption and ash fall, a powerful tropical storm, the resulting floods and landslides, and frightening sinkhole in Guatemala City that swallowed up a small building and an intersection. The Volcano named Pacaya began erupting lava and rocks on May 27th, blanketing Guatemala City with ash, closing the airport, and killing three people.

Two days later, as Guatemalans worked to clear the ash, Tropical Storm Agatha made landfall bringing heavy rains that washed away bridges, filled some villages with mud, and triggered the Giant Sinkhole.

What you may not know is that I'm going in a missions trip with True North Church with 18 volunteers and all the tickets are booked for Friday, June18th. Our first plan was to direct a VBS in the cities of San Pedro and San Marcos in the hard-hit region of lake Atitlan, we have quickly become a response team. Go to, and check the actual status of the that area and the images below.

As I prepare for the Around the World Trip with Concordia University Irvine, I feel that God is teaching me a lot of things before go to that adventure. I'll be helping in Guatemala with my brother Aaron and True North Church, and then in Nicaragua with my dad and I appreciate all your prayers and all the people that writes me every week to encourage me and challenge me as a Christian.

Oh!! I haven't tell you anything about my trip Around the World? Ok, I promise you that would be my next update.

God bless you all

With much love

Macho Garcia

Friday, May 28, 2010

Cuando Dios esta en Control

Hay una historia, pero detras de una historia hay un cuenta cuentos. Mi historia es contada por el mejor cuenta cuentos de todos, Dios.

Honestamente no recuerdo cuando empezo, desde que estaba en Costa Rica yo sabia que El estaba haciendo algo en mi vida, yo podia sentir que algo grande estaba pasando.

La escuela Primaria fue mi primar gran paso, yo era una bolilla blanca corriendo por todos lo edificios esperando que tocaran la campana del recreo para salir en carrera y jugar soccer con todos los ninos de la escuela. En la clase, no podia dejar de hablar con mis companeros acerca de mi semana y de todo lo que paso durante el recreo, lastimosamente eso siempre me metia en problemas jeje. Pero bueno era solo un nino normal y eso es lo que ninos normales hacen verdad? Si!!!! Yo era un nino normal aunque me expulsaron por primera vez en segundo grado por golpear a un companero en la cara jeje, ya sabes, un nino normal.

Oh!! la escuela fue divertida y el Colegio............... Oh el Colegio, buenos tiempos aquellos. Yo nunca fui un buen ejemplo de estudiante, siempre estaba tarde para las clases y las tareas ( todavia estoy luchando con esa palabra) eran un castigo, y finalmente mis notas reflejaban mi pobre actitud e interes por el estudio.
ESPERA!!!!! Ya se lo que estas pensando, pero dame nada mas un par de lineas para terminar. Finalmente termine el Colegio conocido como el "tipico" jugador cristiano del Colegio y despues de un largo proceso como un buen deportista.

Para hacer la historia corta; hoy estoy viviendo kilometros lejos de mi familia, pero nunca he estado solo. Dios por alguna razon decidio darme una oportunidad mas para ser no unicamente un buen deportista pero para ser tambien un buen estudiante.
Una familia de Estados Unidos decidio pagar por mis estudios Universitarios aqui en America, me trajeron desde Costa Rica hasta Orange County California, gracias a esto puedo decir que el ultimo ano de mi vida ha sido el mejor de todos, hoy no soy unicamente un buen deportista si no tambien un buen estudiante.

Finalmente hay muchas historias que contar pero probablemente ya las conoces.
Por favor siente la libertad de leer comentar en este blog.
Gracias una vez mas por todo el apoyo que ustedes me han dado, no lo hubiera logrado si no hubiera sido por todo el gran a poyo que me han dado.

Dios es el mejor cuenta cuentos y El aun esta contando mi historia, por eso yo nunca voy a dejar de contar su historia, porque su historia es mi mejor historia.



When God is in Control

There is a story, but behind the story there is a story-teller. My story has the best of all the story-tellers ever.......God.
I can't remember when started. Since I was in Costa Rica, I knew that He was doing something in my life, I could feel that something big was happening.

Elementary school was the first step of my life, I was a little with ball running around the buildings and waiting for the break just to go and play soccer with all the kids. In class, I could not stop talking with my classmates, and usually that use to get me in trouble. Well you know, I was only a kid and that's what kids do, right? Yes!!! I was a normal kid even though they kick me out of the school for first time when I was in second grade just because I punch a friend in the face. You know, just a normal kid.

The Elementary school was fun and High School (mmmmmmm lol). Oh high school, good times.
I was never a good example for students, I was always late for class and the homework (I'm still wrestling with that word ) was like a punishment. My grades reflected my poor attitude and interest for my education. Wait!!!! I know what you're thinking, just give me a few more lines to finish. I finished high school known as the Christian popular soccer player and after a long process a good example for the athletes.

To make the story short here I am, miles away of my family, but never alone. God for some reason decided to give me one more chance to not only be a good athlete, but a good student. A family from the United States decided to help me with my college education, and they brought me here to Orange County CA.
So far the last year of my life has been the best of my entire life. Today I'm a good student and a good athlete.

Finally there are more stories to tell that probably you already know, please feel free to read this blog and leave some comments or thoughts. I'll be writing more in a few days. Thank you for all your help and support, I could not make it without your friendship and support.

God is the best story-teller, and He is still telling my story, and I won't stop telling His story because His story is my story.

