Friday, June 4, 2010

Information about Guatemala

"The picture on the left, is from the same trip 2 years ago"
As you guys know, in the past week, residents of Guatemala have had to cope with volcanic eruption and ash fall, a powerful tropical storm, the resulting floods and landslides, and frightening sinkhole in Guatemala City that swallowed up a small building and an intersection. The Volcano named Pacaya began erupting lava and rocks on May 27th, blanketing Guatemala City with ash, closing the airport, and killing three people.

Two days later, as Guatemalans worked to clear the ash, Tropical Storm Agatha made landfall bringing heavy rains that washed away bridges, filled some villages with mud, and triggered the Giant Sinkhole.

What you may not know is that I'm going in a missions trip with True North Church with 18 volunteers and all the tickets are booked for Friday, June18th. Our first plan was to direct a VBS in the cities of San Pedro and San Marcos in the hard-hit region of lake Atitlan, we have quickly become a response team. Go to, and check the actual status of the that area and the images below.

As I prepare for the Around the World Trip with Concordia University Irvine, I feel that God is teaching me a lot of things before go to that adventure. I'll be helping in Guatemala with my brother Aaron and True North Church, and then in Nicaragua with my dad and I appreciate all your prayers and all the people that writes me every week to encourage me and challenge me as a Christian.

Oh!! I haven't tell you anything about my trip Around the World? Ok, I promise you that would be my next update.

God bless you all

With much love

Macho Garcia

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