Friday, May 28, 2010

When God is in Control

There is a story, but behind the story there is a story-teller. My story has the best of all the story-tellers ever.......God.
I can't remember when started. Since I was in Costa Rica, I knew that He was doing something in my life, I could feel that something big was happening.

Elementary school was the first step of my life, I was a little with ball running around the buildings and waiting for the break just to go and play soccer with all the kids. In class, I could not stop talking with my classmates, and usually that use to get me in trouble. Well you know, I was only a kid and that's what kids do, right? Yes!!! I was a normal kid even though they kick me out of the school for first time when I was in second grade just because I punch a friend in the face. You know, just a normal kid.

The Elementary school was fun and High School (mmmmmmm lol). Oh high school, good times.
I was never a good example for students, I was always late for class and the homework (I'm still wrestling with that word ) was like a punishment. My grades reflected my poor attitude and interest for my education. Wait!!!! I know what you're thinking, just give me a few more lines to finish. I finished high school known as the Christian popular soccer player and after a long process a good example for the athletes.

To make the story short here I am, miles away of my family, but never alone. God for some reason decided to give me one more chance to not only be a good athlete, but a good student. A family from the United States decided to help me with my college education, and they brought me here to Orange County CA.
So far the last year of my life has been the best of my entire life. Today I'm a good student and a good athlete.

Finally there are more stories to tell that probably you already know, please feel free to read this blog and leave some comments or thoughts. I'll be writing more in a few days. Thank you for all your help and support, I could not make it without your friendship and support.

God is the best story-teller, and He is still telling my story, and I won't stop telling His story because His story is my story.




  1. Your story is a good one, and I know you're on to do great things in life! I'm looking forward to following your journey. I can prove that you are, in fact, a great student now, because I just finished calculating your score in my class and you got an A! Congratulations! Vaya con Dios... Amanda Jerome

  2. I just realized that you posted in english, too....

  3. I am excited about the things to come for you! God has His hand on you, Macho. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey. Vaya con Dios! Lydia Heath

  4. I will be reading and praying for you friend! Miss you much! God bless..
