Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back in Cairo

We are half way on this trip, the feelings of missing friends, family and home are becoming stronger as we move on to the Mid-Terms week. What a blessing is to have you all reading my updates and always writing to give me strength and encouragement.
Israel was incredible and unforgettable, there were so many places to go and explore. I was a little bit disappointed though, because I was expecting to see Israel as a small old fashioned city with donkeys and camels. Well, surprise! There was no donkeys nor camels. The cars where driving all around the city, moving from Jaffa Gate to the Golden Gate, going in and out as fast as they can. The "Via Dolorosa " was now filled of buildings, small shops selling "belly dance" outfits, a bunch of little bracelets and holly water. The whole thing threw me off and distracted me from the main purpose of the visit of the place were Jesus carried the cross. I tried to focused, but it was hard.
At the end of the day I was exhausted and disappointed. My mind started reviewing my day and the picture on my mind reproduced what Israel could it be two thousand years ago. I tried to see Jesus walking and doing miracles. I couldn't get ride of the idea of seeing all this people selling stuff and fighting for religion. Some of them crying and lifting prayers to an empty tomb. I was judging them with anger and hatred. I realized later that I was one of them, pointing with my finger, fighting for which was the true religion. I was one more focusing my eyes on the exterior and not in the heart.
What a blessing He has giving me. I saw the same things He saw and now I feel the same love for this people. So no disappointment at all and happy about my stayed in there. Jesus is the same everywhere we go so feel bless and don't faint in your faith, STRENGTH AND HONOR fellows.

Finally, many of you have been asking me for prayer requests. I haven't ask for anything the last months but today my only two petitions are this. Please pray for safety as we move from Middle East to Africa and the second one for some financial support. God is faithful and I know He knows my needs before I even talk.

I love you all and I hope everything is fine back home.


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