Monday, November 8, 2010


I remember when I was only twelve and I wanted to go to Africa. After a while the feeling towards the African nation became stronger and stronger. When I was about sixteen I realized that my dream of going there was not going to be possible. Even though I started watching all the movies about Africa. The stories and struggles of the continent and the passion and love of their culture caught my heart deeply. I gave up soon and knew that it was going to be impossible to be there someday. I felt that it was such a long way to get there, but at the same time I felt the people in my heart. They were so close that I could almost felt them and see their dark and deep dark eyes.
Now the next part of the story is the part of Jesus. As he found me and rescued me from my poor decisions, he also gave a new opportunity to make my dreams come true. Now you all now about the trip, and you also know who bless I am for my Lord grace has turning my life upside down. He can make your dreams come true, He can save you and give you a new life just like He did for me.
Kenya... Oh Kenya if I could only put the story in words. As soon as I stepped out of the plain I felt in home. I was struggling with so many things, the problems of my life and search of my own personality, the homesickness and the school projects, and however I was feeling in the right place more than ever. In Kenya God broke my heart. He humble me in ways that are not enough to write down. It was painful and unpleasant. The thoughts and desires of my heart where grubbed by Him and destroyed. After two days of spiritual warfare and prayer the battle for me was over, and once again Jesus was the winner. My heart was changed and a new heart has been place in me. No more lies, I won't pretend anymore been someone that I am not. I must say that God places angels in your life during all the process and without them it is hard to see a light at the end of the path. Rebe Brandt was that angel in my life. She stood with me during all the process and even when I was not completely honest to her she forgave me. Through her Jesus was more real to me. His love through her for me, the kids and all the team is delightful.
In Kenya He made me new. In Kenya my heart was transform. In Kenya God has a plan.
Finally I want to ask for some prayer request, because some of you have been asking for it.

1. For school now that the end of the semester is coming.

2. For Issac one of the Fikisha kids that is in hospital with thypod(

3. For a new organization in Kenya. During my time there we did some contacts to start a organization taking kids out of the streets and supporting them with their studies. So far we have found 8 kids that we already have contact with. We have found a couple soccer balls and old uniforms enough to start. The kids didn't know each other, but now that they are starting to train together they do. They are excited about this. My friends there will be following the kids and mentoring them. Kebera is the second largest slum in Kenya and I'm sure God have something special for them through sports. I'll give you more details later. Please pray for me, for the right decisions and people that will join to these as part of the program.

4. For BWABALL Costa Rica, San Antonio and Nicaragua. That God keeps blessing what they are doing. We also need laptop's for some of the kids that we are sponsoring in Nicaragua, so If you have extra please let me know. This is something that I'm doing for my own. I talked to my dad Josue Garcia (Regional Director for Central America) and Jaime Johnson (Executive Director BWABALL) about it, and they agreed. Please the kids from Nicaragua are in College just like me and it is so hard to be in school without a computer, not that it can't be achieve without it, but it will be so much easier for them. I will provide you pictures of them and sent you a letter of appreciation. I will take the computers myself on December 20th to the offices in San Jose Costa Rica to be deliver the month after to Nicaragua.

5. Last one is for financial support, I do really need it right now as I hit the last $100 of my account and there are a few expenses that I need to cover. Maybe when I come back home I can pay you back by doing some work in your house or something you need. Please let me know and I'll give you the details for the deposits (note the plural on this word, it is call faith hahahaha)

Thank you you all for your support, and for taking the time to read the blog.

I love you

David "Macho" Garcia

Concordia University Irvine


  1. Que bueno q todo lo q has pedido a Dios lo ha dado a su tiempo! Espero que esta experiencia sirva para otras personas a tener fe y nos lleve a lugares donde pensamos que nunca podríamos estar! De veras me alegro mucho por el trabajo que estás haciendo con los niños en África y espero q se multiplique y se unan más cada día y puedan ver a Cristo a través de ti! Que Dios t siga bendiciendo un montón!
    Lorena, Guatemala (La amiga de Carol :)

  2. Davy!
    How amazing it is to hear that God has made you new!
    "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

    I will continue praying for you as you near the end of your trip! Especially that God will continue working in and through you in and that you will grow closer to him every day as you strive to live for him!
    Do not neglect to give him your time as you are so busy. He deserves it!

    :) Ash

  3. Macho! Oh my goodness, this is AMAZING! I've been reading your blog and I came to two conclusions: One, you're a great writer. (: Two, I truly admire your passion and faith toward serving God. You're so great! Hope you have an incredible finale to your trip, and we should definitely hang out sometime when you get back! (:

  4. Thank you guys, thank you so much. God answered my prayers already but please keep praying for Kenya and BWABALL. The fact that you guys are reading all this means a lot to me. Sometimes I don't write because I think no one cares, but it is amazing of how many friends and family are following this. I love you all guy

