Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hello friends I'm in Guatemala Right now, and our team just got back fron San Pedro La Laguna which is located at the North side of the Lago Atitlan. The team was really excited about the chance to be there because a few weeks ago the trip was almost cancelled, and we felt that God was pushing us to go and help our brothers and sisters at the lake. During our only two days at the lake we brought supplies, games for the kids, and also help to one of the church members to clean his house filled with mud and junk from one of the land slides (the land slide that affect most of the people was around 200 yards wide and like 2 miles long). After we finished the cleaning, we worked that night with the youth group, about 55 kids came to the service. Aaron my oldest brother is here with me working in missions and he shared his testimony with the kids, it was so powerful and real that after the service and the games the kids kept asking more and more details about his story. That night was amazing and fun.

The next day we were responsibles for the Sunday School, the team did a great job with the games and the story. After that we started the VBS with the games and the craft, about 120 kids came to church to play and hear about Jesus. What a blessing that was that the kids were in so much need of love and attention, but also they started understanding that God is full of joy and love, and that he is ready to play and laugh with them. There are a few pictures on my Facebook profile if you want to see it.

Finally we are back in the city................

Deuteronomy 15: 10-11

10 Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. 11 There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How He does that?

Hey fellows, here it is as I promised. Hope you can enjoy it.

I remember when I was about 12 years old and I found my expired passport in one of my dad's suitcases. I remember taking it and looking at the picture and the only two stamps in it, one from Guatemala and one from
Costa Rica. I had no idea of what traveling was, but I figured out that every stamp was a country visited for me. Right away I felt inside me that someday my passport would be fill with stamps. Today 10 years later God have decided that is the right time for me to fill my passport with stamps. I said God because for all the past years He has been leading me through different places, and introducing me with people that are changing my life. How He does that? How He changes your life? How He takes control of everything? Why? When?. Those are questions that I 'm not able to answer yet. Living in his purpose and fallowing the voice of the Holy Spirit are the keys that are been helping me to get here. I understand that He has already plan everything for me, like this trip.
The next 4 months I'll be traveling abroad with 25 students from my new school Concordia University Irvine (Go Eagles).
Argentina, Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, India, Indonesia and China are the 10 countries that we are going to visit. I will be enrolled as a full-time student, and receiving 15 credits for my semester abroad. The dates of the trip are August 16th- Dece
mber 17th, 2010. For about 18 weeks (124 days), we will be taking part in many service projects such as teaching English in China, volunteering for an Indian orphanage, serving in the slums of Kenya and Biblical and historical research projects in Israel, Jordan, Kenya and Turkey. How He does it? You ask Him. This is a wonderful time in my life when God is taking care of everything, I need a lot financial support but I'm not worry about it because he opened this door for me so I'm relying in Him. Therefore, I have to do my part, and that is why I'm working during this summer, because I know that He is working on my while I'm working for Him. That's why I'm here, remember?

There is a picture of the team, please be praying for us, and if you want to be part of this, and want to support me in some way, please just contact me.

With much Love.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Information about Guatemala

"The picture on the left, is from the same trip 2 years ago"
As you guys know, in the past week, residents of Guatemala have had to cope with volcanic eruption and ash fall, a powerful tropical storm, the resulting floods and landslides, and frightening sinkhole in Guatemala City that swallowed up a small building and an intersection. The Volcano named Pacaya began erupting lava and rocks on May 27th, blanketing Guatemala City with ash, closing the airport, and killing three people.

Two days later, as Guatemalans worked to clear the ash, Tropical Storm Agatha made landfall bringing heavy rains that washed away bridges, filled some villages with mud, and triggered the Giant Sinkhole.

What you may not know is that I'm going in a missions trip with True North Church with 18 volunteers and all the tickets are booked for Friday, June18th. Our first plan was to direct a VBS in the cities of San Pedro and San Marcos in the hard-hit region of lake Atitlan, we have quickly become a response team. Go to, and check the actual status of the that area and the images below.

As I prepare for the Around the World Trip with Concordia University Irvine, I feel that God is teaching me a lot of things before go to that adventure. I'll be helping in Guatemala with my brother Aaron and True North Church, and then in Nicaragua with my dad and I appreciate all your prayers and all the people that writes me every week to encourage me and challenge me as a Christian.

Oh!! I haven't tell you anything about my trip Around the World? Ok, I promise you that would be my next update.

God bless you all

With much love

Macho Garcia