Saturday, January 29, 2011

PETRA at Night...

PETRA at Night

...the sun was going down somewhere behind the forty five meters tall walls of Petra. The noises of thousands of tourists was slowly disappearing in the distance. As we walked back to the exit of the city, some of my friends decided to paid a couple dinars to get a donkey ride. The donkeys were slower than we thought, (off course, that is why they are donkeys) and the dark of the night caught us half way through. Proud of been the last tourists in the area, all of us started looking for adventure. Some of the girls were offered to go and spend the night in one of the caves. Others got a proposal to get married. The guys got the bill for the donkey ride.

There was not much light left when we walked near the "Treasury." Sam suggested to go and sneaked into the treasury since no one was looking at us. As we walked towards the "Narrow Path" we found two guys, one seemed to be the twin of Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean) and the other was apparently the security guard. We asked for permission to go into the “Treasury.” They looked at us and laugh for a few seconds, and then they said, “No one is allow to go into the Treasury.” With that said the two guys turned around and walked away. We stood there looking at each other until the two guys got lost into the darkness of the “Narrow Path”...

When the guys started walking away from us we did not realized what was happening yet. The Rolf Potts adventures started popping up in our heads. The idea of finding our own adventures, making our own story, and experience a lifetime experience invaded our five senses. As I saw the guys walking away I thought, “Unbelievable. Are they really leaving us here?” Every single one of us was thinking the same idea...

When I looked back my friend Ben was already half way. Only five seconds before I looked, he ran out of control towards the “Treasury.” Wait!- I said. At the time I looked back again to see the rest of us they already had started to run. A rush of emotion traveled all over my body. I also ran behind them. Finally a good travel writing paper for my class. I was already taking notes on my mind, when all of the sudden, “Hey! Stop. You are not allow to go inside” At this point we all stopped, and started laughing hysterically. We thought it was that easy, but no, there was a security guard right behind the tends just waiting for us to do that. Oh! I thought that was the end of the night. It could not be better that that. But...

...It was time to go home, and we were walking back through the Narrow Path. The dark of the night was not capable to blocked the bright rays reflected by the moon. We walked close from each other. We decided to stopped, and enjoy the silence of the night in one of the most beautiful and fascinating places in the world. We sat there and waited... and prayed... and... enjoyed. We looked for a moment of silence, and meditation, but the creation can not be silent. Through the wind, God spoke into us an internal peace. “Creation adores you God. It can not be silent” I thought. When we finally decided to go straight to home, we found the workers setting the two thousand candles for the night show. They offer us a candle for everyone, and also lighted it for us. It was wonderful, specially when something like this happens around someone you care about.

...We walked closer for a while, taking care of each others candle, when hers went off, we used mine to light it over, and when mine went off, we used hers to light it again. One of my lifetime experiences I will never forget. In our walk she came closer and said, “I am so glad that we are living this together” I could not think in anything else. Her soft voice, and the infinite sky collided to create a party of feelings in the atmosphere. I felt a shower of shooting starts falling on me. My heart was soaking wet of the beauty of God's creation not only in my surroundings, but in her...

Petra the city made of rock, with no vegetation around, was the witness of a new story that will have no end. Nor the time or the history, nor the mountains or the darkness could stop this new adventure, and journey of friendship... Petra at night, or Petra during the day...

To be Continue...

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