Saturday, June 2, 2012

Argentina Update

Last day in Argentina! It has been an amazing experience. Since the first day we got here God is been all around. The classes are tough I must say, but there are not impossible. The fisrt days I was so scared because the material of the classes were so confusing, long and so much reading. But all the guys from the team helped me with the reading and writing. How awesome is to have a small family out of your home. Some people says that home is just a place to go, and that having someone to love is family. For me my home is heaven, and my family is all the people God has been placing in my way to home.
I had the chance to help Erik, one of the guy's from the team that is suffering by a kidney stone. I went with him to the hospital and translate for him and the doctors. I have never love Spanish so much, not only for the fact that I'm going to great a good great on my language class, but because through that I been able to help my classmates and the team in our journey through Argentina.

Last night we had such an amazing worship time with the team, I played recorder! Oh I can not explain the feeling of God's prescence in the room.

Today was our last day of class, and also our last day working with the kids from “Ciudad Oculta” one of the most dangerous slums in Argentina. The kids enjoyed the 3 hours pick up game, and after that we talked for a long time. One of the kids told me “Hey Profe sigue jugando futbol en America y no te olvides mi. It is so hard to think that tomorrow I'll be flying to New York and leaving those kids in Argentina. Therefore I know that God is taking care of them, and there is nothing I can do to help them to get out of there but giving them hope. Hope is something amazing,

I love Hope . Everyday it is a reminder of how amazing God's mind is. I want to be in the place where Hope is. Hope, Hope, Hope is more than a word, it is a expression of love and kindness. I wish you can see Hope just as I do.

I miss my friends form SCC, you guys are so important to me. I pray for you constantly. I'll be back soon to have more silly games.

Mom and Dad I miss you too and my brothers too. I'll be there soon too.

Please be praying for Erik, he needs to go back home for 2 weeks to take care of his kidney stone. We are going to miss him. John, Erica and the kids are doing great. The kids love John and see him as an example and good friend. Follow us on facebook.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011


One day I was walking back from the Cafeteria with some of my friends from school. As we walked down the hill, I realized something that stroke my mind, and my heart indeed. We were on our way to the dorms, but there was something special this time. I was thinking in Costa Rica the place were I was born. My culture, my nation, my traditions, and who I am collapsed one with the other.
My mind went blank, and in matter of seconds all my life passed before my eyes giving me a confirmation of who I am. One of the flashbacks I had was when I was sitting with my dad one day in a park. It was my birthday, and he bought me a pair of yellow boots. Then he took me out for an ice cream. I was little, but somehow I knew how hard my dad worked for bringing food, and happiness to my mom and brothers. The ice cream meant a lot to me, but surprisingly after finishing the ice cream he took me to the store. We walked around the store until we found the toys/games section. He told me, "Pick any car you want" My little heart started bouncing so hard that I thought I was going to explode. My eyes search for the coolest car. Oh my... I saw it. It was a blue monster truck with remote control. I wanted that one so badly. I knew that by picking that car I would be the coolest kid in my school. I knew my dad would it buy that for me, even if that would it mean to work overnight three times a week. I walk towards the car while thinking in my dad. My heart was still beating fast, and hard. I passed by the blue monster truck, and pick a yellow small car that had the cable attached to the car and the remote, the one that you have to walked behind it all the time. My dad looked at me and said, "Are you sure this is the car you want?" I was afraid he knew. I force my smile my excitement and the glare in my eyes and said, "Yes daddy this is the one I like" He knew it, but he smile and said "Thank you Macho"...

That is who I am. Since that day the little yellow car was so important for me. I probably at some point broke my dream of having an awesome car in order to get my fathers love (that was already there)
Several times I pretended to be sick to stay with my mom since I knew she would feel lonely without my dad that was working, my brothers that were in school and without his baby that was in kinder garden already.
Another time during my process as a teenager, I decided with my brothers to give our parents time and love to kids that needed one. Me and my brothers again broke our hearts and time to give others one of the most precious things we had: our parents love and time. And the story goes on and on... And also the results too. I let my little friend use my car, because he was sad one day, and he accidentally broke it. I worked extra in home for pretending to be sick (this is funny), I lost my parents attention, and love for 4 years when others got it.

You know what, This is who I am, and I love being who I am. I brake my heart for others, just as one man did it for the entire humanity once. I walk slow because in Costa Rica we walk slow. I drink coffee slowly because in Costa Rica that is how we do it. I am friendly and lovely to everyone because this is how we are in Costa Rica, but more important than that, because God made me this way. Yes God made me this way, but I chose to change for the people I love. I will change for you, for anyone. I love my new friends here in California, my Church, my school.

I am Macho, and when I am weak, my God is strong. There is nothing that can stand against me, because my God is bigger than anything. My heartbeats are still strong. They are faster, stronger and louder when someone I care is around me. This is who God made me. I am part of him and he is part of me. In Costa Rica or America, in Russia or China God is God, and his purpose in my life will be fulfilled if I walk slow or not, if you are here or not.

God is good all the time...

David Macho
Concordia University, 4/14/2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

The trip is over. Now what???

Something amazing I have being thinking now that I am back from the trip is that, before starting I have no expectations, no memories, no experiences and no souvenirs. Do I need them now? What do they mean to me now? There are some of them that bring amazing memories. There are others that are just trash, and with the time you will throw them away. Going back to my first thought, It is amazing to know that before this trip I did not carried with the things I am carrying now. Some of them are great some others are not.
What I am going to do with them is a mystery. Some of them are going to go to the trash can because they are already broken or because they do not tell a story. Others that do have a story will be storage in a little box in were every once in a while they will be pull out to be shown to family or friends.

I met a friend on my trip that became really close to me, and it sounds kinda stupid, but once you travel you realize that those kinda a friends did exist. Sometimes you will be sitting in the middle of the dessert with no one around you. It is in those moments when you can hear a little voice inside you, it is a voice that knows what you are thinking, what you did or not. Sometimes is kinda scary, like one day that I was walking by myself at 2am in the streets of Capadoccia,Turkey. I remember that that night I wanted to be by myself, there was a lot of things going on in my life, and my heart. I realized that I needed some time for myself. I walked a couple blocks, as I walk away from the hotel we were staying, the noise and the loudness of some bars and hooka places started to disappeared. I stopped in the middle of the street, there was nothing around me, no houses, no buildings, no people. I sat in the middle of an open area in where I pulled out on of my cigarettes(Camel by the way) lighted on and enjoyed. I have a short conversation with my friend, you guys do not need to know what was it about (it does not matter anymore) but that was the day, when my friend told me, "Don't do this, you have never done this before, and you do not need to" I was completely agree with that, but this time I wanted to. I wanted to give it all because I trusted in someone. "You don't need it" I know I don't - I said. Since that day until Jordan I had this argument with my friend. After Jordan he said "Okay you are alone in this. I can not go with you anymore. You do not need me" I didn't even say thank you to him. I was so so so blind. I finished my box of cigarettes that night in Capadoccia. I went back to my hotel were everyone was already in bed, but Erica. I walked by her, I said hi, and moved quickly to my room. I laid down on my bed and thought, "Freaking cigarettes, they make me hear voices..."

Today I was cleaning my room. The trip is over. Now what?
I started pulling stuff out of my desk, and as I was doing that I found some fun stuff: A candle(from Petra) A lighter(from Turkey) A card from China, a little rock (from the Red Sea) a candy(from Argentina) but I also found two things that really surprised me. One was my SIM card from China, and two a soft sound in the back of my ear that told me, "Hey now what? I told you not to do it" I said, "Oh hi friend its you again..." I threw some of my souvenirs, and things that were not that meaningful to me anymore. But I can not throw away the ones that are in my heart. The trip was amazing but right now, it is not looking like that to me. Today the trip feels heavy, dark, sad... I used to see it as a rainbow, but today it just look black and white. Today I am looking in each country the piece of my heart that I left there. I am trying to put the pieces together. I am trying to recover the strength, and the honor I had once. "Do not worry, You are fine, you are strong, you are Macho"
Today I am strong, today slowly I will try to fall sleep...

The trip is over. Now what... You are asking me to forget something that I do not want to forget. Now what? I can't throw away what you did. That is not my fault. You lifted me up to heaven and then dropped me into hell... "I told you that you didn't listen"
It is normal, that is what everyone says, but now what? ... People don't understand. The heart does, your body does when you don't sleep...

The trip is over, the backpack is empty, and the memories still remain. Which would I want to keep, and which I want to throw away? "You already know", Yes I guess so...

PS: This is just writing please if you read this unless you know the meaning behind, do not worry.

David Garcia
Concordia University.
4/11/2011, 11:18pm

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Playground

Justify Full
As a kid, how far do you have to go to make your dreams come true? Let me tell you the story of one kid that went all around the world to make that happen. This weekend I had the time to go and visit one of my friends house. During that time I met a little kid whose name is Lucas. Lucas is the coolest kid ever. He has blond hair, green eyes, a beautiful smiles and a heart made of gold. His parents are wonderful, they work helping kids from the streets. He has two older brothers, Charlie, and Joshua. His two brothers are twins and they get a long pretty well.
I was talking to Lucas, and I told him how lucky he was for being the youngest one, he said, "Mmmmm well sometimes is not that good because they team each other, and blame everything on me" He was right.
I asked him a couple more questions, and he gave me the answers. Pretty straight forward kid. I was so humble by his tenderness, and his sweet voice. I heard about him before. I heard that he was very special. I hear that he had the same heart of his parents. I heard he shared his food at school, and that always comes back home starving. I heard he was friend of everyone. I heard that he was loved by everyone. Lucas was not just a kid, he was a miracle.
I was very curious about his life. I asked him, "What is the best thing you have ever done?" His face lighted up as he responded "I wen to Guatemala" He told me a short story of his adventure. He said the best part of that trip was when they went to the zoo, and Daddy invited a homeless person to have lunch with them. Clearly Lucas was different to everybody else.

"What are some of your dreams Lucas?"- I asked
-I want to be a soccer player
-What else do you want to be?
-I want to help people. He said
Tell me what do you want the most, and tell me something you want to do but you know you will never get.

He sat back on the couch, and closed his little green eyes. His cheeks turned red, and a little smile escaped out of his mouth, "Come closer" He said.
-What I want the most is...L-O-V-E
-What do you mean by love Lucas?
-I want to love.
-Why, what it's so cool about love?
-I just watched a movie called Brother Bear, and I felt like crying for how beautiful it was, but my brothers were sitting there making fun of the movie.
-Oh I see.
-And something that I want to do is fly again, but my Daddy said that, that is not gonna be possible again, not all together at least.
-Oh I see why your dad said that, flying is very expensive.
-Yes but someday my passport will be filled with stamps.
-Sure Lucas, it will.
-Okay I gotta go. My friends are probably wondering where I am. Nice to meet you!
-Nice to meet you too...

(How fun there is a plane flying over me right now as I write this)

He left. I sat there thinking about our short conversation...

A few months ago I was sitting on a playground in Zhen Zen. I was in a trip with my school, and China was the only place were were doing home stays. I was thinking in my family back in Costa Rica, in my friends, the people I knew, and what in the world I was doing in China, so far away from them. Looking back in life I realized that I was there because the decisions I took, and the choices I made.
At this point of the trip, most of the things I had dream to do were already done. I remember that night when I sat on my bed getting ready to go, and see the person I loved. I remember getting ready, and looking at my Chinese mom staring at me happy because she knew I was happy. I left the house ten minutes earlier. I sat on the playground in front of our apartment, and pray (like I used to do every time before meeting her)

I wonder when Lucas is right now. I wonder if he will someday make his dreams come true. I wonder how many times he will sit on a playground thinking in the people he loves. If he will have his passport filled with stamps. I wonder...

Right after Lucas left I got a call from one of my friend and I got distracted, but as soon as I finished I ran back to the backyard of the house to find Lucas, but he was not there anymore. I stood there looking at the sky, and with a soft voice I said, "You can play soccer Lucas, you can flight a plane, and fill your passport with stamps, but you can not choose who you love. Your heart will choose for you, and so far I can tell that you will love many... I just hope they love you back"

When I finished that sentence, I sat on the grass, close my eyes and... Here I am in my dream, sitting on my bed writing this story. But it is not a dream anymore, and I can not stop repeating myself, " You can play soccer Macho, you can flight a plane, and fill your passport with stamps, but you can not choose who you love. Your heart will choose for you, and so far I can tell that you will love many... I just hope they love you back"

Thank you to those that had love me. Thank you to those who never loved me. Thank you to those that one day loved me but then forgot about me. Thank you for those that one day loved me and today still love me.
Thank you God for loving me more than anyone else. Keep my heart safe, break me down over, and over again until your will be done. But please my Lord never, never break my heart. Break it only for what break yours.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Concordia Student goes to Hospital for kidney infection

Concordia Student goes to Hospital for kidney infection
Erik Olsen, senior, found himself in an unexpected situation after being rushed to a Buenos Aires hospital due to pain in his abdomen.
The morning of August 20, twenty students from Concordia had class at Recoleta Park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Olsen started feeling a deep pain in the right side of his stomach. He informed his friends, Rebecca Brandt and Sam Bretzmann, about the situation. Olsen was then taken by Brandt, Bretzmann and David Garcia, a native Spanish speaker. The taxi took the Concordia students straight to the emergency room at Juan A. Fernandez hospital.
They arrived at the hospital and the front desk attendant sent the students to the waiting room. After a twenty minutes wait, the pain in Olsen's side was so unbearable that he vomited. Garcia was concerned about his classmate's situation, and asked a person for a wheelchair, but they had only two chairs for the emergency room. Right away Garcia knocked on the door of one of the doctor's rooms for help, in which four doctors were laughing and talking about their lunch. Right before the words came out of Garcia's mouth, they shut the door in his face. By this time, Olsen's body was doubled-over by the pain and tears were coming out of his eyes. While Garcia looked for help, Brandt and Bretzmann encouraged Olsen, saying, “Erik, everything is going to be okay. You are doing a good job.”
In a desperate act, Garcia dragged his friend inside the doctor's room cutting some people that were already in line. Doctor Marcela Bonavina applied the I.V. in Olsen's arm and the pain started to subside. The results confirmed a kidney infection and after four hours at the hospital the Concordia students finished the paperwork and headed back to join their fellow students at Milonga Hostel, where the group was staying during their time in Buenos Aires.
Later on Olsen said, “I'm glad that the pain is gone and I'm back with my friends” He also agreed that the hospital needs to be more accurate in order to be more efficient and provide specialized attention to the patients on the emergency room. “I thank Rebecca, Sam, David, and all the people at the hospital for their attention because if it wasn't for them I would not be here."

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Adventure in India Singapore and Bali

8 December, 2010
Adventure in India Singapore and Bali
After my two weeks in India, I was ready for my next destination on the map. I have never been so excited about leaving a country. The people from India are very welcoming and rich in culture and traditions. I have to admit that during my time there one of the most beautiful things I learned was the wonderful hospitality and humility of Indians. Although my connection with the Indians and my conversations were not deep enough to contrast the poverty, the very few discussions I had with them were enough to make my trip worth it. The two weeks gave me more than a cultural experience. The dilapidated building where I stayed was a constant reminder of the poverty, and the fact that I was sleeping on the floor for more than two weeks made me realize that it was time to flight out of there.
A four-hour flight on Kingfisher Airlines took my professor John and I to Singapore. The fourth most important port in the world is also in the the top ten most-developed cities in the world. As soon as we walk out of the plane, a feeling of relief invaded my entire body. As we walked to Customs, we found gardens and decorations of flowers inside the airport. It felt like home. Everything was in complete order, and the air had different smells in every room. I picked up one of the information booklets from the stands and realized that farting and chewing gum were forbidden. A tax over a hundred dollars or even a night in jail were the two options citizens and tourists had if caught doing one of these two actions. We took a taxi and headed straight to the Hilton Hotel. The difference between India and Singapore is monstrous. In India the poverty is palpable, but in Singapore the wealth is everywhere, not just in one city.
I took the side trip to Singapore because I needed to get my Indonesian visa. In Costa Rica and America the embassies are not allowed to give me a visa for more than three months. They suggested I take a flight to Singapore and get the visa form there. The Hilton Hotel seemed like heaven after India, even though the laws seemed a little bit exaggerated. After all, John and I broke the rules a few times specially the one about not farting. When I got the visa, John and I decided to celebrate. We walked around the streets to find a nice place to drink a beer. When we stopped exploring the streets we just decided to go to an Irish pub that was across the street to watch Chelsea play against Sunderland. When the game finished and we were ready to leave the place, we started discussing the results with a Scottish man who was also watching the game. We went on from talking about the game, and the conversation suddenly changed to the history of Spain, America and England. The conversation grew for more than an hour. John was sharing about our experience traveling the world and also trying to link Scotland to our Cold War studies. By the end of the night after celebrating, we went back to the hotel to pack for our flight to Indonesia the next day.
We arrived in Bali one hour before our fellow travel buddies. As we waited for them, we met Nikki, the woman that organized our stay in Bali. Finally, we arrived to the Bali Budi Shady Gully Guest House, where Mr. Budi, the owner of the place, greeted us with a cup of tea. The next day the group headed to a remote beach about an hour and a half away from the guest house. Here we met John's family who came from Kuwait and California to visit and spend time with John, his wife Erica and their kids in Bali. I went to the sand and laid down on the beach watching the Balinese people enjoy the cliff jumping. At lunch time me and two other guys played guitar and shared new songs. Dave, John's brother-in-law, came over and asked one of the guys if he was sick. The guy, who, by that that moment I realized was our driver, pointed at his own head. Dave asked me to pray in Spanish for this guy and ask the Holy Spirit for healing. I did pray for the man, and I was a little bit shocked by Dave's faith. When I finish my thirty-five second prayer, Dave asked the man how was he feeling. The guy looked at him and said, “I feel tickles in my head.” Dave prayed for him one more time and from that instant the man was completely healed. Five minutes later this same man came back with two of his friends, and asked Dave to pray for them also. He did, and both got healed. It was a long day with adventures and crazy supernatural events. Bali at this time was giving me the opening to the best week of my eighteen-week travel adventure.
Later on in the week, I got bored of walking back and forth from the guest house to our destinations, so Ben, Ethan and I decided to rent a moped. Ben and Ethan are my closest friends on this trip. We found a small store around the corner and asked for the prices. We got a good deal renting the three mopeds for only 5 dollars each for two days. I rode motorcycles back when I lived in Costa Rica, so I was confident in using one and driving on the left side of the road. I gave a quick introduction to Ben and Ethan and told them to just follow me while they got used to the motorcycle. We drove for a few blocks and decided to hit the main street. A block before the intersection and the main street where we were staying, Ethan decided to pass me and go ahead of us. He arrived to the intersection first, so when we got there he was ready to take off. I told him to wait, but in his anxiety he pulled the accelerator and went right against the sidewalk at the other side of the street. He flew off the motorcycle and for a few meters the motorcycle kept moving. In just seconds there were about sixty people staring at us. After this awkward moment, Ethan finally decided to follow me. That same night we also took some of the girls on to a ride around downtown.
The day before Thanksgiving was Professor Lee's birthday party. Surrounded by different cultures Nikki's house was ready to host the party. On my way to the party I stopped at the Delta market to get some beer. The two hundred thousand rupiah's in alcohol looked very strange for the workers of the place. One of the cashiers asked, “Are you gonna drink all that alcohol?” I was a little bit embarrassed by her question, especially when I realize that all the cashiers where staring at me. I told them that I was going to a birthday party and I was getting the beer for a few people. They gave me an extra one and all said good bye with a big smile. When I arrived at the party everyone was already in the pool relaxing. The party started, and all the musicians were ready to play. We ate and enjoyed the show of some Balinese ladies dancing for the crowd. Professor Lee was dragged by one of the ladies and forced to dance with her. Soon, I was the one that was dragged up to dance with the ladies. The night ended with a beautiful time with my best friend looking at the stars laying down on the grass of the guesthouse.
The contrast between India, Singapore and Indonesia made me understand the cultural, social and economic variety of the world. From one of the poorest countries in the world, through one of the richest. From one of the richest to one of the tourist hot spot destinations in the world. At the end, no matter the story, traveling will always give a new experience and knowledge to the travelers. As for me, after my visit to Bali, I'm ready to go home and share my stories with my family.